Task-Each student must bring a box. Pick minimum any 5 items and put in the box. Each student has to creatively create 'anything' out of the item that they found in the box and fully utilize the entire item. They must record theprocess by a using any digital medium.
I change the box with my friend zongqi. He put CD, paper cup, Bubble gum, Contact lenses, coin inside the box. I have to use these 5 the items to create something in very creative way.
When i saw these five things 'OMG, what is this', and thinking how can i use these five things to create one thing.
Actually i did not what i can do, i just want use what color to print the CD, because i think this CD look so ugly. So i used black color to print CD and Paper cup. When i done i knew what i can do. Black makes me think of owl, so i used bubble gum did owl's nose. Contact lenses did owl's eyes. Coin did owl's mouth. And i used my figer to print owl's feather.

I want owl more cute so i add two clips did owl's ear.